Our Thinking may not Happen Only in the Brain

First Planted: 17 August 2022 Last Tended: 7 December 2022

Embodied Cognition theorizes that our whole bodies are involved, and Embedded Cognition takes that further and suggests that we include frequently-used tools in our body representation.

That’s the thesis of a movement in neuroscience called Embodied Cognition. The idea that where we are thinking includes our whole bodies, not just the little brain inside our skull. There’s even something called embedded cognition, which if I understand it correctly, goes and says, actually, it’s the whole world where we start doing our thinking. When you’re writing on a notepad, that notepad should be counted as part of your cognitive apparatus just like your brain. So, there’s actually these neurons where if you work with a tool long enough, that tool becomes embedded as part of your body representation. [1]


[1] Mindscape Podcast 23: Lisa Aziz-Zadeh on Embodied Cognition